Al-Ahliyya Amman University
Training and Consulting Department
The Leading International College
Of Integrative Medicine

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Pregnancy and Delivery Assistance

300 Hours/70% Theory/30% Clinical Training
Language of Delivery: Arabic/English - According to the student's choice
Delivery: Face to Face/Zoom - According to the student's choice


Any woman interested in acquiring a very interesting and highly needed profession in the job market.
This profession is suitable for any woman who wants to base her career on a profession that focuses on working with women, training, caring, and accompanying pregnant women, during childbirth and after childbirth.

Program benefits

Convenient study times that allow every professional to participate in it.
A very comprehensive course of study that includes many fields of treatment and a wide range of trainings that gives every graduate many tools for success.

About the program

The therapeutic compounds which are related to pregnant women and delivery require a specialist in this field to delve into the knowledge and natural medical tools in order to combine them with therapeutic methods according to Western medicine. This method refers to focusing on the treating the visible symptoms (Western medicine), taking care of the woman who has given birth and dealing with her as one unit consisting of a body, soul and spirit (natural medicine).  
During your studying, you will gain real experience in instructing and accompanying women who will give birth in the delivery room. Thus, you will improve your self-confidence and experience learning from the best and most famous delivery instructors at the end of the program. In addition, you will get acquainted with all the knowledge and science required to secure and maintain a healthy and normal pregnancy in all its stages, calm delivery and dealing with infants.   
By the end of this exclusive and comprehensive programme, you will obtain a massive knowledge. During the programme, you will gain real experience in instructing and accompanying women who will give birth in the delivery room, child. Thus, you will improve your self-confidence and experience learning from the best and most famous delivery instructors at the end of the program. In addition, you will get acquainted with all the knowledge and science required to secure and maintain a healthy and normal pregnancy in all its stages, calm delivery and dealing with infants.   
This course will allow you to acquire the knowledge and tools that you will use in instructing pregnant women before delivery, through an educational group or in person. The program involves theoretical learning and participation in workshops, which will be presented by well-known mentors in this field.
The importance of this program lies in the drastic changes in our lives. In the past, there was a complete support and assistance from family members. But today, things are totally different. The grandmother is busy with her hobbies, and the husband returns back from his work after several days. At the end of the day, the mother after giving birth remains alone with her new-born child who needs care all the times. Here comes the role of the delivery instructor who works to help (after birth) father and mother in their initial steps, help them in preparing the new-born child's environment, and give answers to all of their questions. Each group of women who have given birth has its own characteristics.

The group of women, who have given birth, especially the women who give birth for the first time, are characterized by special needs, sensitivity and special concepts. In most cases, women of this group feel that they are lonely, abandoned and sometimes depressed. Meeting other women who already have given birth, feel that they are listened to.

The instructor in this case should have the ability to calm mothers, and she must also listen, care, accept, understand, and provide knowledge, ideas and reassurance. Practical experiences that will be gained through this program include practical experiences in accompanying women during pregnancy and delivery, specialized workshops to strengthen the pelvic muscles, how to use free movement and voice, facing emotional processes within the group, Shiatsu, Yoga, pregnancy and delivery according to the Chinese perspective, Reflexology during delivery and breathing and relaxation techniques, effective experiences within the preparation for the delivery process program, practical experience for preparation for delivery, practical experiences with accompanying women during delivery. 
Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, problems and diseases during pregnancy and after delivery, delivery pains, stages of pregnancy, stages of delivery, healthy nutrition for pregnant women and women during puerperal period, massage, Reflexology, using of herbal oils, controlling birth pain according to Western and natural medicine, the Image of the child in childbirth, initial treatment of the infants, contact between parents and the baby, sexual relationship during and after pregnancy, postpartum depression, breastfeeding, mother's diet during breastfeeding period, types of delivery, delivery at home, the birth of twins, birth records, pressure techniques, unexpected outcomes in childbirth treatment , delivery room laws, delivery room staff, communication with the delivery room, natural delivery, physical activities after delivery, laws and rights of women at the time of delivery, delivery instructor in treating women with the resolution and delivery time and after, marketing, insurance, physiological and psychological preparation for delivery, follow-up during pregnancy, Exercises for flexibility and strengthening the pelvic and body muscles during pregnancy, resistance and oppositions treatment, public speech, infant massage, baby development until his first year, building a family, artificial feeding then solid food step, the treatment of crying and sleeping of the baby  and parenting principles as well. 

Convenient study times that allow every professional to participate in it. A very comprehensive course of study that includes many fields of treatment and a wide range of trainings that gives every graduate many tools for success.

Work fields

medical centers, hospitals, Pregnant women's health centers, training centers for pregnant and postpartum women, gynecological clinics, maternity ward, private clinics, nursing institutions & more.


Diploma certificates, Accredited by the Jordanian higher education council, from Al-Ahliyya Amman University - Training and Consulting Department, the International College of Integrative Medicine (CIM) and the Complementary Medical Association CMA located in London, UK: Pregnancy and delivery Assistance Certificate, Delivery Preparation Certificate, Pregnant Women massage & reflexology certificate, Postpartum Guide Certificate, Natural cosmetics, Breastfeeding Instructor certificate and Infant massage & reflexology Certificate.

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Al-Ahliyya Amman University